Neuroinformatics Group

Universität BielefeldTechnische FakultätNI

Neural Networks

neural network models

Physical Reasoning AI

Understanding and reasoning about physics is an important ability of intelligent agents. We are developing an AI agent capable of solving physical reasoning tasks. If you would like to know more about this project/thesis opportunity, check the websites [1][2] or contact Dr. Andrew Melnik.

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Controllable music generation for fluid curriculum

dexmo There is a growing trend to teach playing an instrument such as

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Accelerating motor learning with computational scaffolding

dexmoLearning to play piano is a highly demanding activity, which is characterized by a high mental load. To reduce the mental load and, by doing so, to accelerate the learning process, we pursue to use exoskeleton Dexmo.

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AI for computer games

We are developing a Human-Brain inspired Artificial Intelligence agent capable of producing complex purposeful actions in computer-game simulated environments.  Last year, our CITEC team took the first place in the Microsoft Minecraft competition If you would like to know more about this thesis/project opportunity, please contact:  Dr. Andrew Melnik <> CITEC-3.308  ---------------------------------------------------------------------        read more »

NEATfields: Evolution of large neural networks

In the last decades, many researchers have used evolutionary algorithms to adapt the topology and connection weights of recurrent neural networks for various control tasks. This has become a useful machine learning technique. Because handling large genomes is difficult, however, these neural networks typically contain only a few neurons. If the genome contains a recipe for construction of the network instead of the network itself, it can be much smaller. We have developed a method than can exactly do this, and performs very well on a number of different problems.

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Unsupervised Kernel Regression (UKR)

Unsupervised Kernel Regression is a recent approach to learning non-linear continuous manifold representations. It has been introduced as unsupervised counterpart of the Nadaraya-Watson kernel regression estimator and uses this estimator to find both a latent space representation of a dataset and a smooth mapping from latent space back to the space of the original data. UKR has two main advantages: (1) one can apply leave-one-out cross-validation as an automatic complexity control without additional computational cost and (2) it requires only very few a priori specifications of parameters.

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