Neuroinformatics Group

Universität BielefeldTechnische FakultätNI


machine learning algorithms

Physical Reasoning AI

Understanding and reasoning about physics is an important ability of intelligent agents. We are developing an AI agent capable of solving physical reasoning tasks. If you would like to know more about this project/thesis opportunity, check the websites [1][2] or contact Dr. Andrew Melnik.

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logoZiel des vom BMBF geförderten Verbundvorhabens Sim4Dexterity ist die Erzeugung synthetischer Daten für die Robotermanipulation mit hochwertigen, interaktiven und validierbaren Simulationswerkzeugen, so dass benötigte KI-Lösungen wirtschaftlich und zeiteffizient realisiert werden können.

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AI for computer games

We are developing a Human-Brain inspired Artificial Intelligence agent capable of producing complex purposeful actions in computer-game simulated environments.  Last year, our CITEC team took the first place in the Microsoft Minecraft competition If you would like to know more about this thesis/project opportunity, please contact:  Dr. Andrew Melnik <> CITEC-3.308  ---------------------------------------------------------------------        read more »

Image Component Library (ICL)

ICL is a novel C++ computer-vision library developed in the neuroinformatics group of the university of Bielefeld and in CITEC. It unifies both, performance and user friendliness. ICL provides a large set of simple-to-use classes and functions to facilitate development of complex computer vision applications.

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