Neuroinformatics Group

Universität BielefeldTechnische FakultätNI

Tactile Sensing


logoZiel des vom BMBF geförderten Verbundvorhabens Sim4Dexterity ist die Erzeugung synthetischer Daten für die Robotermanipulation mit hochwertigen, interaktiven und validierbaren Simulationswerkzeugen, so dass benötigte KI-Lösungen wirtschaftlich und zeiteffizient realisiert werden können.

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Robomantic - Tactile Sensors for Humans and Robots

Roboamtnic-title-imgEgo tango, ergo sum -> I feel, thus I am. This tenor brought the development of tactile sensitive devices within CITEC Bielefeld University to the next stage -> in terms of making the technology of skin-like touch sensors available to a wider public. With project funding by the EU and the state NRW - ERDF (EFRE), our team investigate in three development areas 1. Hardware, 2. Software and 3. Business, elaborating the basis for a stable university spin-off.

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Incipient Slip Detection

This 16x16 tactile sensor array is our workhorse for tactile-based robotics research. Providing 256 taxels on a grid of size 8cm x 8cm, we have a spatial resolution of 5mm. The modular design allows to stitch individual modules together to yield a larger tactile-sensitive surface.

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Haptic Performance in Virtual Reality (HaPeVR)

TwisterWe develop a 3D VR serious game to integrate valid haptic performance testing in highly adaptable and motivating virtual game scenarios. One goal is to offer stroke patients who need to improve or relearn their proprioceptive and tactile abilities an appealing and motivating tool.  It allows them to monitor their progress in a more detailed manner  than traditional methods, to select a suitable level of task difficulty,  and potentially to improve their self-efficacy. For that purpose we combined multiple devices to a hardware framework creating a touchable virtual world. A set of scenarios is designed where players encounter different haptic discrimination or manipulation challenges in order to evaluate detailed hand and finger movements.

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The NeuTouch ITN aims at improving artificial tactile systems, by training a new generation of researchers that study how human and animal’s tactile systems work, develop a new type of technology that is based on the same principles, and use this technology for building robots that can help humans in daily tasks and artific

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Intelligent Object (iObject+)

iObjectPlus The Intelligent Object, short iObject+, is the second generation instrumented object, developed for research on human and robotic grasping and manipulation. It estimates its pose in space from an IMU sensor and measures interaction forces on its surface via an array of tactile sensors.

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